Posted tagged ‘christian doctrine’

Religious Debate-A Forgotten Medium

October 14, 2007

DebateThere’s an old adage that I’ve heard many times in my life that in effect says, “do not discuss politics nor religion with strangers or more importantly, those that you wish to remain friends with.” Personal experience seems to bear this statement to be quite true.

We have of course, over the years, acquired our own philosophies based upon the premises of our own reasoning, whether it be political or religious. Religious thinking over the scriptures has conjured up many various theories within the Christian community. From the onset of the church age, there have been countless hypothesis in an attempt to uncover the many Biblical truths that reside within that Book.

Years ago, religious debate was very active, encouraged and considered quite acceptable. Formal debate consumed many a mans personal time in terms of Biblical study and of course the actual forums. Church buildings and other venues would be at times filled to capacity by people, which could be likened to attending a sporting event today.

Debate was a wonderful route to religious knowledge, not only for those actively involved, but also for those that were in attendance. It caused many a mind to open and study the Word as had never been done in over a thousand years. Religious debate in my opinion is still beneficial, and, can still be a spring board for people to advance their Biblical knowledge.

There are problems, however, that need to be approached in a forthright manner. When we consider the many aspects of religious differences, there are of course a number of items that collectively make up our sometimes preconceived conceptions on any given topic. And these are what can and do hinder our ability to embrace the opposite side of the coin in debate, when one can see and understand that their position is flawed. In my opinion many a person has remained on a questionable side of debate for reasons that would not be considered honorable.

Our past history as children, our family, mom and dad’s belief system, has much to do with our mindset today of course. Influence at the church we were raised in will weigh in quite heavily as well. And although we have gone through many changes since our early days, we remain influenced by these past happenstances all the same. Another adage that would fit this idea is, “the fruit does not fall far from the tree.” And this rings true in most cases. I have witnessed folks a few times admit defeat in their reasoning, only to remain with their affiliation after all.

Also, with another thought, what seems totally logical to one person, would never be sufficient for another. The reasoning just would not jostle the stance one has already firmly grasped onto over time. This is the reason that there are so many differing religious denominations throughout the world even now.

I have to say that I have personally never witnessed a religious debate in which at the end of the argumentation, either party was totally convinced, admitted defeat, and crossed over to the opposing side. Why is this? I believe in more than a few cases, “pride,” enters into the picture. We humans have a hard time with our perceptions of, “losing.” It seems we view losing as shameful, and weak. This should not be. Jesus went to the cross in a seemingly losing position. It seemed He was defeated both in debate and physically. But we know that He actually was victorious. He finally won and in the process won souls. And with this in mind we must never debate for the sake of winning, except that we debate for the purpose of winning souls for Christ!

With another thought in mind, often, religious debates degenerate down to the lowly level of personal attacks upon those ingaged in religious battle. It is quite easy to see that this is wrong and should be avoided at all costs. However, passion runs deep somtimes, and we can very easily be caught up in the heat of the moment. We will not help the cause of God in this manner, this we must know.

We find this to bear out as true within Biblical examples also. Jesus, the Master debater, argued most often with those that opposed Him and His teachings. The Pharisees were most rigid in their beliefs. Jesus challenged them as no one had ever done.

The Pharisees could see and understand that Jesus was on the winning side of the debates that He had with them. Their reasons for remaining firmly entrenched in their beliefs were various. Prestige and power would most likely be the number one reason. Many times however, some may have felt that they were indeed right, and on the proper side. However, many times we see that the Pharisees were angered beyond all reasoning and logic and lashed out with personal attacks regularly.

In conclusion I will ask, “is religious debate wrong?” Isaiah 1:18 says, “Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.” Do these verses sound as though debate is wrong? “These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the Scriptures daily, whether those things were so. Therefore many of them believed; also of honorable women which were Greeks, and of men, not a few,” Acts 17:11,12.

Debate was used by prophets, Jesus, the apostles and Christs disciples for centuries and, if performed correctly can be very beneficial and even may save some souls from the fiery darkness of hell itself. With this knowledge readers, check daily whether Biblical doctrine is true, or, if you have been deluded into believing a lie or lies.