Archive for June 2007

The Genesis of Science; The "Big Bang” Beginning

June 21, 2007

In the beginning, some 13.7 to 16 billion years ago, there was
absolutely nothing, zilch, nada. Except that “somewhere”
there was some highly concentrated energy consisting of protons, electrons, and neutrons. This is confusing right from the get go. But… this was necessary In order for the events that were about to unfold in relation to the beginning of space and time as we know it. And then, in one billionth of a second, for some unknown reason, it is speculated, from nothing
came something! This had to have been a type of catalytic event of extraordinary energy and power.

This event is what science calls the, “Big Bang!”

I was taught early on in public schools that evolution was a
factual theory. I was raised in the church but I really didn’t give much time nor attention to the hub-bub that exists between Biblical creationism and the science of evolution. That is until I entered 9th grade.

The science teacher would not teach the chapter that explained evolution. He related to our young and impressionable class that he was a Christian and could not in good faith and conscience teach what he believed to be a falsehood.

From that point on I have desired to be as knowledgeable as I can be in regards to what science teaches and what the Bible tells us about creation. I will admit however that there are certain things that I cannot understand in relation to physics, astrophysics, cosmology, and the other complex divisions of science. So much of science is beyond my grasp, however I do believe that I can understand enough to weigh the scales of science and theology in order to come to a logical conclusion.

Science will argue that there was something somewhere before the great explosion erupted! I agree…there had to have been something, or “someone” somewhere. Science says that there was energy within the fabric, or curtain if you will, of time. Yet how could this be when there was no space nor time before the Big Bang? You just cannot have it both ways. Yet science seems to have an answer for this as well as so much more on the scientific view of the beginning of time and evolution.

We are told that this energy in the form of a very small “primeval super atom,” (that just existed…somewhere) which was very hot and dense, whipped up a gigantic and violent, and very chaotic blast somewhere, somehow out of nothing.

From this blast came sub-atomic particles that produced matter, anti-matter, gases and much more energy. Matter overtakes anti-matter, thus, (time as it were) and space were born.

This was the beginning as science teaches, however, there are
variables within different camps of science as to exactly what
transpired at this particular time. This in itself leaves a lot of
room for guess work.

There was no night nor day such as akin to “relative time”
as we know it. And so there were no 24 hour time periods that we would recognize as such.

And space began to expand on a grand scale to create universes’ and planets and stars since that chaotic and violent beginning of time, so says science. No help was needed in all of these different sequences of events that occurred we are told. These activities were just a result of a random happenstance that transpired in the fabric of nothingness. Just what was this fabric by the way?

Finally, about 4.57 billion years ago, earth was born. The
Sun just happened to be formed in this approximate time line as well, and light came forth. At this point the earth was very hot and life could not yet exist.

And the Earth and other planets and matter began to rotate around the Sun because of just the right amount of gravity that to this day is “constant.”

It is hard for me to believe that the many “constants” all police themselves without outside instructions and correction on every plane. Just a thought.

And the Earth’s rotation around the Sun was most perfect because of it’s magnetic field and the, “constants” that began to rule this galaxy that we call, “The Milky Way.” These constants became very precise and organized. From violence and chaos in the form of a Big Bang came the beginning of perfection and organization. Science says this is perfectly natural. I have experimented with explosives many times as a lad and I can tell you that I never witnessed order in my experiences. I really don’t believe anyone else has either.

At any rate the distance of Earth from the Sun became perfect. The distance of Earth from the Moon became perfect as well. The Earth’s axis tilted just right, and the Earth even wobbles exactly as it should.

About 3.5 billion years ago the Earth was uninhabitable with a lot of gas, but no oxygen. Therefore no life existed. Mankind nor life of any kind could live in this type of environment. Things were beginning to change however.

As the Earth cooled down, energy created bolts of lightning which formed connections, and they fell into the vast oceans. With evaporation of the seas, concentration occurred, creating what is referred to as organic “primal soup”. Amino Acids were formed, and carbon which is speculated to have come from outer space, intermingled and from this lifeless matter came life!

All life forms were simple single-celled beings at this juncture. From the sunlight these lifeforms created photosynthesis. They used carbonic oxide and water to make proteins, and needed energy came from the sunlight as well. Everything on Earth was just right.

And by mere fate, just the right amount of ingredients was now upon the Earth for these one celled beings to live. 6 parts of CO2 (Carbonic oxide) + 5 parts of H2O water) are transformed with help of sunlight into: 1 part of C6H10O5 (farina) + 6 parts of O2 (oxygen). What a coincidence!

And the one celled beings multiplied very quickly and over periods of time, different species of life began to crop up from these simple one celled life forms.

One celled animals evolved into simple beings which later developed into fish like beings that developed into many different species over time. Soon some of the fishes decided it was time to take a stroll on the beach. Before you know it, these beach roamers grew lungs in order to breath air, which was just the right amount of mixture at this time. And then from these came forth many types of land dwellers while
leaving some of their cousins behind in the sea.

Well now, these land dwellers evolved gradually over time into many different species of dinosaurs. Survival of the fittest prevailed among all these creatures and only the strong adapters made it. This is called survival of the fittest.

Dinosaurs ruled the earth until a catastrophe in the form of a Meteor wiped them out. Once again mere fate was on the side of some living beings that survived this catastrophe. Cutting to the chase, mankind finally evolved around 5 million years ago.


This was the beginning as science teaches, however, there are variables within different camps of science as to exactly what transpired at certain particular time periods. This in itself leaves a lot of room for guess work.

Even though what I have discussed here is just a sampling of all that is taught by science on the history of their perceived
“Genesis” of science, the odds of these few events I have
mentioned actually happening by chance would have to be staggering, no doubt.

Yet, there are those that will demean creationists for their
belief in what they enjoy calling fairy tales and the like. It is
worthy to note that it is not so much the science community that will scoff at Theology. This is because they have enough sense to know that neither their position nor Theology can be proven beyond a shadow of a doubt. And so most scientists can be categorized as “agnostics.”

I would be willing to guess that most atheists generally have
little education in any science field except what they have read or watched on television, (eg. Discovery, National Geographic channel).

They are for the most part Philosophers and Humanists with strong negative opinions on the subject of religion for any number of reasons. They have little patience for the beliefs of the religion’s of the world and even mock and scold, even in the same manner as the unbelievers that crucified Jesus did. Doesn’t It really say a lot that the Christian will not treat nor provoke the atheist in like manner?

There is one more thing worth mentioning. Atheists for the most part have not really and truly investigated the Book that they love to rail against. If they would do this honestly and sincerely with an open mind, they just might be surprised at what they find. If you are in this category, I urge you to think about this very strongly. Everything depends upon what you do here before you do not have another chance to do so.

Moral values and conscience could only have one source in the
Christians opinion. That source is God, the Creator of all things great or small. Why is there a knowledge of God in all cultures? And yes, why do we have morals, love and conscience reflective of a Maker and not simple chance?

And so it goes. These questions will forever be debated while this earth stands. Faith in God and His word guide me. Some will never be able to understand this way of thinking and living. However, I pray for each and everyone that has not met his or her Creator now while he or she lives. This is much better than meeting Him when you die in an unsaved condition.

He stands at the door lovingly waiting.

In my next article I will discuss briefly why I believe in God,
Jesus, and His Word. Maybe just a little food for thought that will move someone to explore the possibility of obeying the Gospel call.

God Bless,


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As Time Goes By

June 17, 2007

I was asked on my last birthday how it felt. I thought about it for a second and I said,”well, I fell asleep one night at the age of 25, and when I awoke I was 55.”

Yes indeed, time sure does fly!

It does not seem that long ago that I was a power house of energy and strength. I could work all day and have enough left over for some serious hard play.

My dad told me many times that this would happen. He would tell me, “the older you get, the faster time slips by.” Well, I heard him, but I didn’t really hear him, you know? The words just kind of went in one ear and out the other.

The one thing that I truly regret in my life is that I took most everything for granted. Early on I just thought that my grandparents would be with me like forever I guess. When they died it hit me like a ton of bricks. I was very angry.

Later on I took my married life and family for granted. I  was a big man and could do as I pleased. What a rough lesson that was for me to learn. I lost everything including my wife and could have lost my kids as well, but I was lucky in that respect. I surely lost respect for myself.

The main gist of what I am trying to get across is that folks have a short time in which to get it right. I was given a gift in Christ that has helped me through some bad times. This is because even though I was in a way emulating the, “Prodigal Son,” I, like he, hit rock bottom and came home to a ecstatic mother and father that called for the proverbial fatted calf to be eaten in joy.I had returned to the fold. Oh happy day!

There is a lesson in all of this. If you listen to the wise, usually your parents and grandparents, aunts and uncles, you just may be be spared a lifetime of pain. If you choose to learn by yourself as you go, it will be a mighty rough road to travel. Take it from one who knows.

Yes, time flies when you think your having fun. My prayer for you, whoever and where ever you may be, is that when you wake up slopping with the hogs, you will decide to come home. Realize that there is a place still reserved for you where your folks love you. And know also that the arms of Christ are as wide as the world and beyond.

God Bless,

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Are You Truly Carrying Your Cross?

June 13, 2007

Matthew 16:24  “Then said Jesus unto his disciples, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.” (KJV)

Many people, that profess to be Christians have never really understood what being a follower of Christ actually means. Most people literally have the notion that as long as one simply believes in Christ and lives a life that they view as morally right, that that gives them a free automatic pass to heaven. There are those that even think that they can do as they please while other, “men of God,” will get them into that mansion on high. The Bible does not back up these assumptions however.

It is very interesting to note the word,”deny,” in the verse above. It comes from the Greek language and it is very important in understanding what Jesus truly means here. We need to look at these renderings,

And so let us read the text in this manner. “If any man will come after me, let him disregard himself …” This was what Jesus was saying. This is especially what Jesus did while upon this earth. He gave of Himself without regard to His own being. Remember what Jesus said to the scribe who thought that he was ready to commit to Jesus?”And a certain scribe came, and said unto him, Master, I will follow thee whithersoever thou goest.
And Jesus saith unto him, The foxes have holes, and the birds of the air have nests; but the Son of man hath not where to lay his head. Matthew 8:19-20.”Nothing else is said about the scribe, however I have a feeling that he left feeling a bit dejected at the hearing of Christ’s words. I seriously doubt that the scribe wanted to leave the comfort and the standing that he had within the Jewish community to follow after someone who did not even have a bed to sleep in. I think that more than a few of us today are like that scribe in many ways. We have a comfort zone that we cannot, nor dare not, think of leaving. It’s just too much to ask from most folks.

Another meaning that is attached to the word, “deny,” can also expand our understanding of what Jesus was trying to instill into our minds. That phrase would be read thus, “If any man will come after me, let him, “lose sight of himself,” and take up his cross, and follow me.” To keep the Lords commandments of course involves more than just a wink and a nod so to speak. Being and remaining a disciple of Christ is so much more than just living a good moral life with good moral principles. It is more than just a one time mental assent that one believes in Christ as their personal Saviour. Anyone can do that! No one or no one thing on this earth can get one into the kingdom of Christ. This we need so much to understand. That is a different subject altogether however to be discussed at a later date. 

A final and much better rendering of, “deny self” is, “totally disown.” And so with that expression the text would read, “If any man will come after me, let him,”totally disown,” himself and take up his             cross and follow Me.” If we totally disown ourselves, who then would own us? Of course the owner would be Jesus Himself! If I own some material thing on this earth, I use it in the manner that I the owner would want. In like manner, if Jesus truly owns us, He will use us in the manner that He sees fit. However, it is ourselves that will allow Jesus to use us according to His will. That will is found in the Holy Word.

In conclusion, if we truly take up our cross and, “deny,” ourselves for Christ, we have that ability to enter into heaven. Do not be deluded into thinking your good moral living will get you a free pass into the Lords abode. And never think that there is another human that can do it for you. There is so much more involved. Please read Hebrews 11, the great faith chapter for a better understanding of this premise.