Archive for the ‘family values’ category

Suffer The Little Unborn Children

September 20, 2008 Tags: ,,

It’s one thing for people to quote Bible passages, and an altogether different thing for politicians to use scripture to garner votes. And even worse yet to use scripture out of context, which is most often the case.

The Bible is not in the least a political book, nor was it written as such. The Bible is heads and heels above some chowder headed worldly idea’s and ideal’s mankind is constantly attempting to lower It to.

Such is the lame brain audacity of a movement of a supposedly Christian group that calls itself the Matthew 25 Network, an independent political entity that proclaims that the Godly must get involved in politics. Okay, I have no problem so far. However, the problem I do have is the candidate Matthew25 is rallying around and stumping for.

Now, I don’t know about anyone else, but I have a strong suspicion when a person or a group of people claiming religion, especially the Christian religion, would push for the most Liberal and pro abortion candidate ever to run for the office of President of the United States.

Barack Hussein Obama, history shows, is the most uncaring and just downright evil human when it comes to babies, whether unborn or born! The government of China would love this guy!  He has voted as a Senator to simply let a child die that may have been born after a botched abortion. Just leave the tiny human being to die!

I’ve got to believe that this religious group is aware of this truth about Obama. It is a well known fact. So what business does a religious organization have in voting for a baby killer?

Just what does Matthew 25 Network say in regard to this issue?

“We have lost thousands of jobs, and folks are struggling with bills this month, forget about next month,” Hall says in the ad. “We need a president who sees those who are hurting and cares for the least of these. This is why I am supporting Barack Obama. As a child, Barack knew hard times too. He had to rely on food stamps to get by. And as a Christian, Barack believes God calls us to care for those in need. He has spent his life doing just that. As president, Barack Obama will work to feed the hungry, create good jobs, cover health care and cut taxes for those who need it most.” 

Oh, I see, it is more important that folks have everything they need instead of worrying about some defenseless baby, right? Murder is okay just so long as we are paying our bills, huh?

Let’s lay down the facts about Barack Hussein Obama:

1990: Obama wrote law article that the fetus cannot sue mother: Oh, well, we have to protect that mother from that horrible fetus (human). We wouldn’t want these babies going after the mothers money now would we?

Undecided on whether life begins at conception: Obama just don’t get it. What’s so hard to understand? Life begins when life begins. Why play around the issue? The fetus is a tiny human being. If you don’t think so, why does the law prosecute murderer’s of unborn babies within the womb? Why have it both ways?

Rated 100% by NARAL on pro-choice votes in 2005, 2006 & 2007: Yes, Obama is pretty popular among the abortion guru’s. A 100% rating must be a proud badge for Obama to wear. Three years in a row! Wow. 

Voted against banning partial birth abortion. (Oct 2007): Of course. It should be mandatory that all girls who reach reproductive age watch a partial birth abortion to see for themselves just how horrible this practice is. But sadly, we’re not going to see that happen.

Trust women to make own decisions on partial-birth abortion: (Apr 2007): Yes, trust women to make the choice after being educated on all of the pitfalls. We will not see that happen either.

I could go on but it does not matter. People will do what they want to do anyway. However, a group that identifies with Christ and at the same time supports murder are not worth listening to.  Matthew25 needs to return to their first love, that is, if they ever were in that love to begin with. I have my doubts.

But when Jesus saw it, he was much displeased, and said unto them, Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God. (Mark 10:14).                      

That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children, (Titus 2:4).

Any religious person or group should be working to solve the problems, not working with the devil in spreading evils in the world. As a Christian I know that God must not be too happy with us here in the United States. We are abandoning Him, and fast. You have to ask, when will He abandon us? Tags: ,

As Time Goes By

June 17, 2007

I was asked on my last birthday how it felt. I thought about it for a second and I said,”well, I fell asleep one night at the age of 25, and when I awoke I was 55.”

Yes indeed, time sure does fly!

It does not seem that long ago that I was a power house of energy and strength. I could work all day and have enough left over for some serious hard play.

My dad told me many times that this would happen. He would tell me, “the older you get, the faster time slips by.” Well, I heard him, but I didn’t really hear him, you know? The words just kind of went in one ear and out the other.

The one thing that I truly regret in my life is that I took most everything for granted. Early on I just thought that my grandparents would be with me like forever I guess. When they died it hit me like a ton of bricks. I was very angry.

Later on I took my married life and family for granted. I  was a big man and could do as I pleased. What a rough lesson that was for me to learn. I lost everything including my wife and could have lost my kids as well, but I was lucky in that respect. I surely lost respect for myself.

The main gist of what I am trying to get across is that folks have a short time in which to get it right. I was given a gift in Christ that has helped me through some bad times. This is because even though I was in a way emulating the, “Prodigal Son,” I, like he, hit rock bottom and came home to a ecstatic mother and father that called for the proverbial fatted calf to be eaten in joy.I had returned to the fold. Oh happy day!

There is a lesson in all of this. If you listen to the wise, usually your parents and grandparents, aunts and uncles, you just may be be spared a lifetime of pain. If you choose to learn by yourself as you go, it will be a mighty rough road to travel. Take it from one who knows.

Yes, time flies when you think your having fun. My prayer for you, whoever and where ever you may be, is that when you wake up slopping with the hogs, you will decide to come home. Realize that there is a place still reserved for you where your folks love you. And know also that the arms of Christ are as wide as the world and beyond.

God Bless,

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The Wacky World of Rosie

April 4, 2007

rosie.jpgCo-host Elisabeth Hasselbeck: “How do you explain that, you know,
there is video footage of planes flying into the World Trade Center
and, and Osama bin Laden was caught on video boasting about these
Co-host Rosie O’Donnell: “Okay, Elisabeth, you have to stop. You
have to stop. You can’t just blather on about your opinion because
this is my show.”
Hasselbeck: “But how do you explain-”
O’Donnell: “Elisabeth, you are very young and you are very wrong.
Don’t fear the terrorists. George Bush is a far greater threat to our
lives than Osama bin Laden, who is a devoted husband and father.”
— Exchange on ABC’s The View, April 1.

Yes, you read that right. Osama the loving husband and father? Whats next, will she want to nominate  bin Laden for the Nobel Peace Prize?

Once again one of Televisions loudest and most disgusting personalities has flipped her wig. Well, as far as I’m concerned she never really was on planet earth anyway. But I must be careful. We don’t say anything around her that she doesn’t agree with or like. She just can’t handle that.

However, by the same token she can and does say anything that suits her fancy, this we know only too well. Donald Trump, who I of course am not a big fan of, did make a good point when he said that Rosie O’Donnell was…uh oh, this just in;

“On Tuesday’s Good Morning America, the ABC program featured
a segment on the feud between View co-host Rosie O’Donnell and
FNC anchor Bill O’Reilly. Although reporter Taina Hernandez did
highlight some of O’Donnell’s more extreme statements, the
segment mostly portrayed the back-and-forth as simply a
celebrity squabble as GMA left out any reference to O’Donnell’s
on-air touting last week of 9/11 conspiracy theories: “I do believe
the first time in history that fire has ever melted steel. I do believe
that it defies physics for the World Trade Center Tower Seven, building
seven, which collapsed in on itself, it is impossible for a building to
fall the way it fell without explosives being involved.”

I‘ve got to ask the question, how in the world does this big mouth uncouth tyrant get away with all of her silly verbal escapades? Oh yes Miss O’Donnell, steel melts by fire. I used to work in a, “steel mill,” and I can tell you first hand that steel does indeed melt, and it does so with fire. I have scars on my body to prove it. Working as a welder and fabricator I can also tell you first hand about different metals and the results of what heat actually does to                fabricating beams and the like.

Steel  actually melts at about 1500 degrees Fahrenheit.  But in the case of the WTC, 1000 degree’s Fahrenheit would sufficiently cause a break down of the composition of the structure.       This intense heat would indeed be enough to cause the buildings to collapse.

Now then, if you noticed, or notice now by viewing pictures or the recordings of the frightening scenes of the first few minutes that the towers were crashed into, you will see that the planes crashed well below the top floors. The heat weakened the      steel within the structure and caused a composition breakdown in the whole area in which the planes    crashed. That is it in a nut shell. Once the top floors fell, the rest was physics, which by the way you Rosie know nothing about!

In short, what you have and what we witnessed was something akin to dominoes. Each floor would give way from extreme weight and force from the heavy load coming down upon each floor.

But now we have an expert blabbing about some       kind of conspiracy that worked to make sure the WTC’s fell completely. Believe me, if there were TNT charges going off within the WTC buildings, there would be clear and plain evidence of it.

But now, on to the rest of the story, (borrowing a line from Paul Harvey). To be perfectly honest, I feel sorry for Rosie and those of her ilk. She never     seems happy. She constantly wants to start                  arguments with those who seem to threaten her and her way of life or, are simply not in her corner on her beliefs. Could it be that she is very much aware of the sinfulness in her life and that is causing her to be so bitter?

It is very obvious she is lacking something in her world. I think I know what that something is. Jesus! Her sinful life is her downfall as with all of those in the world who cannot find peace. It is plain that      Rosie has no peace in her heart. All her money will perish with her unless she repents and obeys the Lord’s gospel. Jesus said;
Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.
Ye have heard how I said unto you, I go away, and come again unto you. If ye loved me, ye would rejoice, because I said, I go unto the Father: for my Father is greater than I. (John14: 27,28)

Jesus uttered these words to His apostles before His death, burial, and resurrection. They were however meant for all of His children that have believed and obeyed from the heart His gospel that the apostles soon spread throughout the known world. During this time the apostle Paul said;

And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.(Philippians 4:7)

I pray not only for Rosie, but for the world, that they may come to know perfect peace and harmony in the Lord.

Gary “Ansol” 

Real “Peace” of Mind

March 18, 2007

If I were not a Christian, I think I would like to be a big shot Hollywood type. Maybe a Producer, or a Director, or a Screen Play writer. By far though I think I would want to be a high profile movie or music star. Then I could wow all my subordinates, (that means regular folk) not only with my artistic talents, but with my special gifts of higher knowledge and enlightenment that seems to go with it all as well. Just think, I could impress the media who in turn would spread the word far and wide of my special powers and superior intelligence. Automatically fame places one over and above normal lower IQ people such as Doctors, various Scientists, Politicians, Theologists and so on, don’t you know?

Maybe I would be a talk show host. I could invite professionals to my show to verbally attack them in front of millions of viewers. What fun! They would deserve that for being so dumb by coming on my show. Right off the bat I got em! Or I would be a sweetie in front of the camera and turn into Godzilla when the camera is off. You know, treat those regular people with the disrespect they deserve for not being as smart, talented or rich like me.

I could say and do anything that suits my fancy. And do you know why? Because I could, that’s why! And if it’s something really bad, all I would have to do is apologize afterwards and you are not only forgiven, but you have gained from all the publicity. Yeah, I’d actually be more famous then before. I could really show my butt, or, “breast,” if I were a girl, and be rewarded immensely for it. Doesn’t get any better than that you know.

Maybe I would give a long lip-lock on stage with another big male star. That’ll get me noticed! Or, have a scene on stage and in the spotlight in which I mock and disrespect Jesus Christ. People seem to like that don’t they? Irreverence has been the in thing for many years. Maybe sing songs full of filth and use the most vile language I could think of. If I were a rapper, I would see just how far I could go in my rapping and in real life. I would talk about women like dogs and brag about my gangsta street life. I might even get in a gun battle or two along the way. What fun!

I could go to all the, “pat- on- the back,” award shows for this that and the other thing. You know the stars like to be adored. I would dress up to the Nines and have my picture taken again and again and again. Maybe be on the cover of Star magazine or what ever. What a life!

But then, after a while, I would get mad at all the throngs of people clamoring for my autograph. I would start to abhor the paparazzi that I so wanted before I became a god, and have my bodyguards stuff their camera’s in tight places because hey, I don’t have to put up with that, even though that’s what I wanted in the beginning! Yes I wanted to be a star for sure. I just wouldn’t have known how dumb the regular working stiffs that love me are though.

Of course I would have to go to one of the third world countries and adopt a child once or twice. That’s always good PR. Folks would see just how thoughtful, loving and caring I am. Even though there are plenty of babies right here in the good ole US of A that could use a good home? I use that term loosely of course. Because to be raised in the environment of Rockers, Rappers, or Hollywooders is not exactly my idea of the greatest home life.

Look around you. Check out the so called stars out there with their smiles and glitter. They go down faster than a rock thrown in a lake. Count the many stars that have died from drugs. Look at the alcoholics among them. Happy on top? Nah, don’t think so. Do these high achievers truly have peace and happiness? No, and I’ll tell you why. Peace and happiness does not come from fame or money.

Phi 4:7 “And the peace of God which passes all understanding shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.”

Here is the true peace and understanding. It is found in Christ Jesus who is the Living Sacrifice once and for all who will believe in His name. For those who would obey the Gospel, there is found an inner tranquility that is almost unexplainable in human terms. It is a feeling of splendor that has no equal and is priceless. No amount of money can buy it. But it’s hard for the rich and famous to see and understand this. They think what they now have is their reward. And you know what? They are right. What they have right now at this time is indeed their reward. 1Co 2:14 Now the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him; and he cannot know them, because they are spiritually judged.

These folks who think they are all to end all are dead as they walk. They have no Godly spirit and so they think that they are wise and that they stand before the world as gods themselves. They like to make the world think that they are Godly people though. They wear their golden crosses around their necks as though they have some form of spirituality although it is nothing but show. They have no idea of the nature of God and they know not Jesus.
Rom 10:3 For they being ignorant of God’s righteousness, and going about to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted themselves unto the righteousness of God.

We as Christians who partake in this evil are just as guilty as those of whom I speak. Are you giving them your money by way of movies and Cd’s? Do you watch them on TV? Spend money on the products that promote these so called stars. Is this your entertainment? Is this your true love?
Rom 8:5 For they that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh; but they that are after the Spirit the things of the Spirit.
Rom 8:6 For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace.

Please think on these things.
In Christ,
Gary “Ansol” Hinson

Those Good Ole Days

February 13, 2007

I can’t help but feel sorry and at the same time sad for this generation of young folks. The young are exposed to more sin in this world than ever before. And a lot of influence down through the years has come from what is sometimes aptly called the, “Idiot Box.” I wish at times that Television had never been invented. Oh, it has good points for sure. It puts us in touch with world events and local and world news that is so important. But in my opinion the bad certainly outweighs any good there may be.

First to come was the, “Silent,” era. Many people do not know it, but there was not anything close to censure-ship in those early days. There are actually a few of those films remaining that have nudity in them, and so we do see that this is actually not a new problem. It wasn’t until a few years later that the movie industry began policing itself.

The, “Silver Screen,” along with the supposed, “Golden Age,” of movies came next, and was actually entertaining, and most of the movies were of a good clean nature. However, one can see that those movies from long ago were the catalyst of moral lapses to come. Ten or fifteen minutes usually would not go by even in those old movies till smoking, drinking alcohol or killing someone wasn’t shown. And it was usually shown in a good light by the way.

Revenge has always been compatible with most viewers tastes. Never mind that God says that He shall take revenge upon evil-doers who hurt their fellow man. I have to say though that I did enjoy much of TV and movies way back when we watched, “The Wonderful World of Disney,”  “Ed Sullivan,” “Superman,” and all the Westerns, where good guys beat the bad guys every time. They really were so nice and clean back then. No bullet holes with exit wounds the size of your fist. No CSI. No cleanup crews wiping up guts and blood, or detectives going to the closest family to tell them their Father, Mother, Son or Daughter was dead. Now that I think about it, I don’t really know what’s worse, actually showing what happens when someone is shot with a 50 caliber bullet, or making it seem as though its just no muss and no fuss at all.

These days I normally watch one of the science channels or the History Channel. PBS stations are pretty good sometimes. Mix that with the news stations and that’s pretty much it for me.

Commercials are everywhere however, and on every channel. Most of them are just annoying, but there are certainly other commercials that border on MA ratings and as far as I’m concerned the MA would stand for no one under 1 minute old and no one over 150 years old should watch.
What I see are commercials of young folks having the grandest time of their lives dancing and partying with nothing but smiles and carefree abandon. There are cases of beer, or hard liquor all around and everyone is clutching a glass or bottle. But there is something missing other than women’s clothing in these brief scenes of joy. Where’s the falling down slurring drunk who cannot see straight? The bullet proof drunk picking fights with all comers? The know it all in your face drunk telling everyone that he can drive,”tho gud,” and he of course doesn’t need a chauffeur. The filthy dirty talk and disregard for others? Neighbors live next door? Who cares. We’re having fun man and that’s all that matters! We don’t care about anything that resembles respect!

Another missing ingredient in all of this nonsense is the waking up the next morning sick as dogs unable to function as normal human beings. Missing work and often getting fired as a result of too much absence because of the many sick hangovers over a period of time.

What the young people see is a live for the moment scene of splendor and the good life, if you want to call it that. They don’t see the underbelly of the bad life that goes hand in hand with it. I once told my son when he was a teen that there has never been anyone that wakes one morning and decides that he or she will become an alcoholic. I told him that no one knows if they will become one. And so why play with fire? I still believe that today.
I love what the alcohol industry has now included as a slogan at the end of they’re commercials. “Drink Responsibly.” OH YES, WE REALLY DO CARE! What a crock! They do not care about responsibility. They care about $$$! And believe me that is all they care about.
Same goes for the sales of vehicles nowadays. More horsepower means faster rides. They show the cars and trucks flying down two lane roads weaving in and out of traffic and in some instances coming to a halt in a plumb of smoke sideways. But remember young people, “DRIVE RESPONSIBLY!”

Now this stuff is an assault on everyone in the world. Not only an insult on our integrity, but an insult to the sanctity of life! We not only have to watch out for unpredictable drunks, we must watch out for unpredictable drunks driving 300 horsepower automobiles, trucks or motorcycles!

And we are treated to the commercials by gambling casinos that tell us all to come on down to the party! They want us to have fun you see. We can drink for free, if you want to call it free, and give our money to them because Lord knows they need it. How many walk out of those joints winners? Not many. But rest assured the casino is getting richer and richer. But they have a message for you…GAMBLE RESPONSIBLY!

Big industry has the money. Big industry elects our politicians. So don’t look to elected officials for help in shielding and helping to protect you and your kids from these pushers of heartache and pain.

But we have grand examples showing what is capable from the American public if our minds and hearts are put to the test. The, “A.F.A.” is doing marvelous work laboring for a moral and Christian nation, whether it be against abortion, homosexuality, or just putting out knowledge on subjects such as the wayward and ridiculous, “DaVinci Code.”
We need to stand together in some form or capacity. We need not be leaders, just backers of what is right. Most folks do surprisingly know right from wrong. They just need some facts and encouragement.

Now I know that I haven’t gained any points with the            NAACP with this article. Too bad! Free speech drives down  both sides of the road. Even if I am sober and just do the        speed limit my friends.

God Bless,
