Those Good Ole Days

I can’t help but feel sorry and at the same time sad for this generation of young folks. The young are exposed to more sin in this world than ever before. And a lot of influence down through the years has come from what is sometimes aptly called the, “Idiot Box.” I wish at times that Television had never been invented. Oh, it has good points for sure. It puts us in touch with world events and local and world news that is so important. But in my opinion the bad certainly outweighs any good there may be.

First to come was the, “Silent,” era. Many people do not know it, but there was not anything close to censure-ship in those early days. There are actually a few of those films remaining that have nudity in them, and so we do see that this is actually not a new problem. It wasn’t until a few years later that the movie industry began policing itself.

The, “Silver Screen,” along with the supposed, “Golden Age,” of movies came next, and was actually entertaining, and most of the movies were of a good clean nature. However, one can see that those movies from long ago were the catalyst of moral lapses to come. Ten or fifteen minutes usually would not go by even in those old movies till smoking, drinking alcohol or killing someone wasn’t shown. And it was usually shown in a good light by the way.

Revenge has always been compatible with most viewers tastes. Never mind that God says that He shall take revenge upon evil-doers who hurt their fellow man. I have to say though that I did enjoy much of TV and movies way back when we watched, “The Wonderful World of Disney,”  “Ed Sullivan,” “Superman,” and all the Westerns, where good guys beat the bad guys every time. They really were so nice and clean back then. No bullet holes with exit wounds the size of your fist. No CSI. No cleanup crews wiping up guts and blood, or detectives going to the closest family to tell them their Father, Mother, Son or Daughter was dead. Now that I think about it, I don’t really know what’s worse, actually showing what happens when someone is shot with a 50 caliber bullet, or making it seem as though its just no muss and no fuss at all.

These days I normally watch one of the science channels or the History Channel. PBS stations are pretty good sometimes. Mix that with the news stations and that’s pretty much it for me.

Commercials are everywhere however, and on every channel. Most of them are just annoying, but there are certainly other commercials that border on MA ratings and as far as I’m concerned the MA would stand for no one under 1 minute old and no one over 150 years old should watch.
What I see are commercials of young folks having the grandest time of their lives dancing and partying with nothing but smiles and carefree abandon. There are cases of beer, or hard liquor all around and everyone is clutching a glass or bottle. But there is something missing other than women’s clothing in these brief scenes of joy. Where’s the falling down slurring drunk who cannot see straight? The bullet proof drunk picking fights with all comers? The know it all in your face drunk telling everyone that he can drive,”tho gud,” and he of course doesn’t need a chauffeur. The filthy dirty talk and disregard for others? Neighbors live next door? Who cares. We’re having fun man and that’s all that matters! We don’t care about anything that resembles respect!

Another missing ingredient in all of this nonsense is the waking up the next morning sick as dogs unable to function as normal human beings. Missing work and often getting fired as a result of too much absence because of the many sick hangovers over a period of time.

What the young people see is a live for the moment scene of splendor and the good life, if you want to call it that. They don’t see the underbelly of the bad life that goes hand in hand with it. I once told my son when he was a teen that there has never been anyone that wakes one morning and decides that he or she will become an alcoholic. I told him that no one knows if they will become one. And so why play with fire? I still believe that today.
I love what the alcohol industry has now included as a slogan at the end of they’re commercials. “Drink Responsibly.” OH YES, WE REALLY DO CARE! What a crock! They do not care about responsibility. They care about $$$! And believe me that is all they care about.
Same goes for the sales of vehicles nowadays. More horsepower means faster rides. They show the cars and trucks flying down two lane roads weaving in and out of traffic and in some instances coming to a halt in a plumb of smoke sideways. But remember young people, “DRIVE RESPONSIBLY!”

Now this stuff is an assault on everyone in the world. Not only an insult on our integrity, but an insult to the sanctity of life! We not only have to watch out for unpredictable drunks, we must watch out for unpredictable drunks driving 300 horsepower automobiles, trucks or motorcycles!

And we are treated to the commercials by gambling casinos that tell us all to come on down to the party! They want us to have fun you see. We can drink for free, if you want to call it free, and give our money to them because Lord knows they need it. How many walk out of those joints winners? Not many. But rest assured the casino is getting richer and richer. But they have a message for you…GAMBLE RESPONSIBLY!

Big industry has the money. Big industry elects our politicians. So don’t look to elected officials for help in shielding and helping to protect you and your kids from these pushers of heartache and pain.

But we have grand examples showing what is capable from the American public if our minds and hearts are put to the test. The, “A.F.A.” is doing marvelous work laboring for a moral and Christian nation, whether it be against abortion, homosexuality, or just putting out knowledge on subjects such as the wayward and ridiculous, “DaVinci Code.”
We need to stand together in some form or capacity. We need not be leaders, just backers of what is right. Most folks do surprisingly know right from wrong. They just need some facts and encouragement.

Now I know that I haven’t gained any points with the            NAACP with this article. Too bad! Free speech drives down  both sides of the road. Even if I am sober and just do the        speed limit my friends.

God Bless,


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4 Comments on “Those Good Ole Days”

  1. Yup… those were a long time ago. Long before my time. But I must say that most of the best movies are the old ones. Or the new ones by independent Christian filmmakers. Films such as Facing the Giants, and one in production now, Pendragon. See that at

  2. ansol Says:

    I have heard alot of good things about, “Facing The Giants.” I think I will have to purchase that film. I will look for,”Pendragon’s,” release. Thanks for your comments, they are appreciated.
    Gary “Ansol”

  3. old time religion Says:

    i do think that in the old days GOD was more welcomed in people lives then. i often think about what it must have felt then. we was welocmed in our homes and in his ppresence could be felt in our churchs. children had more respect for there parents. we was made to leave the room when company was in our home. and we respected older people as a whole. not today and parents are more worried about the latest fashion than about teaching children respect. my family my kids know to give respect. people think i am crazy but i feel out of place in this generation . i wish we could just go back. when GOD was the first and most important part of our lives.

  4. Ansol Says:

    You have said a mouth full, “Old Time Religion!” I can remember the tent revival meetings where Jesus was preached along with hell fire and brimstone. I also feel out of place at times, however Paul says that we are to look ever forward as we run the race for that great prize, which is salvation.
    Thank you for your comments. I appreciate them and you.

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