Truth And Consequences

Can faith in a personal God and science walk hand in hand? This is a question that has stirred emotion, and not a few verbal exchanges and postering, from both sides of logic and reasoning for a number of years. I am a Christian, and so my stance will be from a Biblical understanding of the world, living beings, and nature in general. A scientist in most cases though must see things in a different light altogether. And let me say that this fact is not in and of itself bad. There are obviously laws scientists must observe in in their particular fields. Facts are proven, or supposed to be, and are gathered and catalogued in order to maintain a standing within their community. If it cannot be subjectfully, and empirically proven, it cannot be at this juncture truth as far as they are concerned. There are problems however with this fact though. Many a man or woman will never accept the Gospel to be saved on that fateful last day. This is the price that most in the field of science will pay in the end.

However, we can take heart that there are some God fearing scientists, and thankfully this list is growing. For the most part science takes an agnostic position. They neither believe in God nor disbelieve. I consider that a more noble and honest stance than atheism— in which one will totally deny the existence of a supreme being— such as God without proof. This is because there is no science that I am aware of that can prove that God does or does not exist. One man has offered a million dollars to anyone who can prove that God exists. If I had a million dollars I would offer it to anyone who could prove that God does not exist. What is the difference? I have faith that God exists and this gentleman does not. My belief is based on faith; and that is the heart and soul of Bible truth to Christians.

Many years ago religion and science actually did co-exist. It would have been unthinkable for one to try and separate the two, although for a while science was forced into this marriage with theology, by a power weilding Catholic church. Scientists delved into their work with the knowledge that they were actually inching ever closer to God with every new discovery they made in the field of science. It is too bad that as with the Greeks and Romans in times gone by, mankind has become too wise once again to believe in such childish notions as a God that created the heavens and the earth, and all that we can behold today. History repeats itself over and over again. Just as the Bible states, ” What has been is what will be, and what has been done is what will be done, and there is nothing new under the sun.”(Ecclesiastes 1:9) Now we have educated people that feel that it should be unthinkable to question science regarding their supposed truths. Heres an example:

“Nevertheless, the question frames a problem with the stance of the anti-science creationists that threatens not only their version of the world’s origins, but also the credibility of their religion itself. Because by attempting to marshal empirical evidence in support of their beliefs, they enter the debate on the scientists’ terms – terms that cannot possibly work in favor of a literal reading of the Bible. By playing in this arena, haven’t the creationists already lost the argument”? Tom Krattenmaker
Mon Feb 5, 6:43 AM ET
The Bible vs. science USA Today

I feel this a greatly misguided and error filled paragraph. For it has been found time and again that science cannot always be trusted. We have witnessed mistakes made by scientists who do not always feel the need to set the record straight. For example, in their quest to find the so called, “missing link,” of modern man. Someone is always and forever, “finding that elusive skull! The skull that will connect monkeys and humans. And each and every time it is found to be no more than a wild goose chase once again. The dating systems such as, “carbon 14,” that have proven to be flawed in a lot of cases.

We have had out right lies in which scientists were in effect attempting to cash in and make a name for themselves. We cannot always depend on the science community to police themselves thats for sure. The stakes are high and it is like searching for the proverbial pot of evolutionary gold. And so what is wrong with the religious right, as we are called, watching over them as well?

There is however much science to be found within the pages of the Bible. Things that the inspired writers of the Word in that age could have never known or even understood without guidance from the hand of the Lord. And I cannot help but to list a few of them here:

Job 26:7
He stretches out the north over empty space;
He hangs the earth on nothing.

Here we see that God tells us that He has hung the earth freely with the use of gravity. How could this have been known by man?

Ecclesiastes 1:6
The wind goes toward the south,
And turns around to the north;
The wind whirls about continually,
And comes again on its circuit.

A constant cycle of the atmospere which is meteorilogically correct.

Leviticus 17:11
‘For the life of the flesh is in the blood, and I have given it to you upon the altar to make atonement for your souls; for it is the blood that makes atonement for the soul.’

We know really just recently that the blood is the true life force of living beings.

Proverbs 17:22
A merry heart does good, like medicine,
But a broken spirit dries the bones.

Psycology has found that ones attitude is paramount to health. Laughter is actually good medicine. And God told us that about 3000 years ago.

Job 36:27-29
For He draws up drops of water,
Which distill as rain from the mist,
Which the clouds drop down
And pour abundantly on man.
Indeed, can anyone understand the spreading of clouds,
The thunder from His canopy?

This is incredible! It is truely amazing that this fact was penned so very long ago. How could they have know this?

These are just a few facts that the Bible provides representing different fields of science. How could man know that mankind was conceived by, and of, the dust of the earth. Science knows that humans are primarily composed of carbon and amino acid molocules. The writers of the Bible had no idea of these complicated issues. The only answer to that riddle is that their pens were guided by the hand of God.

Everything on this earth and beyond was created from nothing. The Hebrew word for, “Create,” is, “Bara,” and it means something that is made from absolutely nothing. Science cannot now, nor will they ever, be able to make something from nothing. Yes, science forever is saying they have created something new. However, all they are doing, is making something from items already at their disposal. God made man from nothing. It was He that created carbon. It was He that created amino acids and water. He created atoms and matter of every kind along with the energy needed for a jump start in the creation of life. The Bible tells us that God made man from the dust of the earth and that is literally what we are! The Bible also tells us that when we die, our physical bodies decay and return to the dust from which we came.

I really wish folks’ would sit down and think about where they came from. I wish they would investigate the Bible and what It means for them. Why would one not want to have the chance to know the truth of life and what really matters?

I would invite anyone this day to look at the Bible with fresh eyes if you have already looked at it. If you have not given It so much as a thought, I implore you this day, to pick up that Book and read It. You may be surprised at what you find. What you might find is, “A peace that passes all understanding. ” And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” (Philipians 4:7)

In closing I will leave you with an exellent source of information found on the net. ICR does some great work and they are passionate about what they do. Please give them a peek.

In Christ,

Gary “Ansol” Hinson

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One Comment on “Truth And Consequences”

  1. ggwfung Says:

    they operate in different spheres.

    Science is the physical. Spirit (or religion) is the non-physical.

    where science loses it’s convincing power is when it starts to move into the non-physical. Things like psychology and ethics. It’s pseudo.

    Both have their place.


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